Manage Clients > Overview Tab

Manage Clients > Overview Tab

The Overview tab summarizes the personal and financial information of a client. Note that the data and widgets available will vary depending on whether you are in Household, Client, or Account view. (See Manage Clients Dashboard Overview for more details on the different levels.)

Some of the controls here affect whether an account or position is considered Managed or Non-Managed for trading, billing, and reporting purposes. See Managed and Non-Managed Asset Functionality for more details.

Note: In the context of the Overview Tab, the Inception Date is the date the account was opened.


Change the whether you are viewing the Household , Client , or Account level with the controls in the upper right. Select a level and then which entry at that level to jump to.

Next is the Action menu, which contains the following options:

  • Action > Account Maintenance: Available on the Account level only. Click the Action drop-down to select and kick off an Account Maintenance workflow for the account. (This function is the same as adding an Opportunity for an existing account.)
  • Action > Run Client Report: Select any defined Report Package to run for this Household, Client, or Account. The report will open in a new tab to view and can be immediately posted to the Client Portal if desired.
  • Action > Close Account: Available on the Account level only, mark the current account closed. See Marking an Account as Closed for more details.
  • Action > Generate Proposal: Available on the Client or Account level only. Start a new Risk or Goals-based questionnaire for the existing client.


Provides an overview of the client with names, primary address, advisor, important dates, asset summary, investment objective, report settings, and any linked bank accounts. Also contains several useful high level controls. The exact tiles and controls available vary based on whether you are viewing the Household, Client, or Account level.

Additional controls available in the Summary:

  • Toggle Managed/Non-managed: In the upper right of the Summary, the account will be designated as Managed or Non-Managed. If the account has come from a Direct Custodian feed, click to toggle the account between Managed and Non-Managed if needed. 1
  • Measure Performance: Available on the Account level only. This toggle can be used not measure performance on a particular account. Accounts with this toggle off will show with a “Suppressed Performance” footnote in any Performance-based Report Packager pages.
  • Edit Household: Available on the Household summary only, the edit control allows you change, close, or delete a performance household. See Editing Households for more information.
  • Client > Edit Client: In Client view, edit the Client contact information.
  • Set/Change Primary Advisor: If Advisor Assignment is set to Manual in Firm Profile, this drop-down is available to set the Primary Advisor for the Client or the Account.
  • Set/Change Investment Objective: After Defining Investment Objectives at the firm level, you can click Assign an Investment Objective to add an Investment Objective (IO) to an account, client, or household. The IO defaults effective as of the current date and maintains a history of objectives if the IO is changed. The dates for any historical IO can be edited here.
  • Model Assignment: The assigned model for the account can be changed by clicking View History or Edit under the Model Assignment. Clients will see the change the next time they log into the Client Portal. This will not generate a new IPS.
  • CRM Status: If the AE CRM integration is enabled, this control displays whether the Client is linked to a CRM Record. If the Client is unmatched, you can Match it manually here. If the Client is matched, you can click VIEW IN CRM to open the CRM Record in a new tab.
  • Edit Client Report Template: Available on the Household level only. Select whether to use the default Report Package for this client, an override, or disable reporting.
  • Net or Gross of Fees: Select whether reporting for the Household, Client, or Account will be done net of fees or gross of fees.

1 Switching an Account between Managed and Non-Managed will trigger a recalculation of performance data. The recalculation and totals of Managed/Non-Managed in the summary may a short time to update.

Relationship Ribbon

Shows the Advisor and all relationships that flow from the selected item. For example, selecting an Account will show the Client and Household the account belongs to, but not other Clients or Accounts in the Household. Selecting the Household will show all Clients and Accounts in the Household.

From here, a Held Away Account in the Account list can be changed to Outside Managed Account if needed. Click and select Change to Outside Managed Account. The process can be reversed any time if needed. This will enable the account for billing purposes only. See Billing Settings > Outside Managed Accounts for information on billing these accounts.

Managed Holdings

Displays a list of all Managed positions held by the selected level. Click Holdings Report in the header to be taken to the Search Holdings report, filtered to the account(s) you are viewing.

Click at the front of any holding row to view the individual tax lots of that holding if data is available, including the date purchased, quantity purchased, per-unit and total cost, any short or long-term gains, and Covered or Uncovered status if available.

If the account has come from a Direct Custodian feed, individual positions may be marked as non-managed here. Click and select Mark as Non-Managed. The process can be reversed any time if needed.

Non-Managed Holdings

Displays a list of all Non-Managed positions held by the selected level. If the account itself is Non-Managed, all positions in the account will appear here.

If a position in an account has been marked Non-Managed above as described above, click and select Mark as Managed to reverse the change if needed.

Switching a position between Managed and Non-Managed will trigger a recalculation of performance data. The recalculation and Managed/Non-Managed totals in the summary may take up to one hour.


Displays a complete list of all transactions for the selected level. Click Transactions Report in the header to be taken to the Search Transactions report, filtered to the account(s) you are viewing.

Risk Tolerance & Questionnaire

Review the Risk Tolerance scores and Questionnaire answers given by the Client for each Questionnaire they have taken.

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