Matching Clients from AdvisorEngine CRM Client/Record Sync

Matching Clients from AdvisorEngine CRM Client/Record Sync

When Setting Up the AdvisorEngine CRM Client/Record Sync you must select how to deal with unmatched entries from either side of the sync. This process also deals with Client/Record entries that were matched in error.

Identifying Unmatched Entries: AdvisorEngine CRM

If automatic Client creation is not enabled during setup, unmatched CRM Records are sent to a new tab on the Manage Clients > Dashboard named Unmatched CRM Contacts.

NOTE: Though most unmatched Records will come in with a status of UNMATCHED, there may be some automatically ignored. If more than one Record lists the same SSN, only one will be matched and the remainder will be put in this table, automatically set to IGNORED.

From this table, you can click the AE Match Status of any entry to adjust it. See below for options and steps.

The matched status of any client is also visible from the Client level of the Manage Clients > Overview tab in the Client Details box. The same matching controls detailed below are available.

Identifying Unmatched Entries: Portfolio Management Clients

If automatic CRM Record creation is not enabled during setup, unmatched Portfolio Management Clients are marked in the CRM Status column on the Manage Clients > Dashboard > Client tab. Sort the table by this column to quickly see all UNMATCHED entries.

Click the status of any Client to adjust it as detailed below.

Adjusting a Client/Record match

Clicking the Status of a Client or Record will allow you to manually adjust the match or status as needed. The available options will vary based on the current status.


Select how to handle the unmatched entry:

  • Create a new entry: Create a new Client or Record and automatically match it to the selected Record or Client.
  • Manually match: Select this option to enable a search box where you can search the Clients/Records for the correct match.
    1. Search by First Name, Last Name, and/or SSN/TIN to locate the entry to match.
    2. Locate the correct entry in the results. A indicates the entry already has a sync match. A indicates the entry has not yet been matched for sync.
    3. Click SELECT on the correct entry to match.
  • Mark as ignored: Select this to manually indicate that this Client or Record should be excluded from the data sync.

After you have made your selection, click SAVE at the bottom to commit your changes.


Opening the status of a Matched entry will display the Client and Record that are connected. You can either CANCEL and close the display or click UNMATCH & CLOSE to remove the match and change the status to UNMATCHED.


Opening the status of an Ignored entry is identical to an Unmatched entry, except the Ignored option is no longer available. See the options above for Status: UNMATCHED to proceed.

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