Report Packager Overview

Report Packager Overview

The Report Packager allows you to create consistent reporting across your clients at regular intervals. Through the setup process, the report structure is created, allowing you to decide which data to present to your client in the order you choose. Once the instructions for a particular Report Package are created, a report showing the most up-to-date client data can be created at any schedule you choose.

Report Packager Structure and Components


The primary component of a Report Package is the Pages. A Page is a pre-defined method of presenting data to a client, such as a Household Summary or Holdings list. (Each Page module may take multiple literal pages of the report.)

A Report Package is primarily constructed by choosing which Pages to include in which order and which settings to use on each of those Pages. The available Pages and settings are defined further in Report Packager Page Library.

Report Levels

Report Packages can be created to run at one of three levels of data, much like the views within the Manage Clients dashboard. A Report Package must be assigned a level of Household, Client, or Account and will include all the data relevant for the level chosen.

Default Reports and Overrides

Report Packages can be assigned manually to individual households, clients, or accounts. One report package at each level can also be designated as the default which will run for everything at that level that does not have an override assigned.

Scheduled and Manual Reports

When a Report Package is created, it can be scheduled to run automatically at regular defined intervals or it can be saved for later and run manually from the Report Packager tab.

When it is run, whether automatic or manual, a report is generated for each household, client, or account the report applies to and if selected during setup, the report is posted to the Client Portal for the designated users.

Report Packager Workspace

The Report Packager workspace is accessed from Grow Practice > Customization > Report Packages. From this workspace the following controls and data points are available:

Set Up Custom Advisor Letter

The Custom Advisor Letter is a completely customizable page that may be added to any Report Package. See the Custom Advisor Letter page definition on the Report Packager Library page for details.

Set Up Defaults

Certain settings are default across all Report Packages. See Setting Up Report Package Defaults for details.

Create New

Begin creating a new Report Package. See Creating Report Packages for details.

Expand row

Use this control to see all previous instances of the report and the next scheduled occurrence. Note that a Report Package must have been run at least once or be scheduled to run in the future for this control to appear.

Report ID

Report IDs are an internal identifier that are assigned sequentially as Report Packages are created. This number also appears in the filename of each report generated from the Report Package.

Scheduled Runs

The Scheduled Runs column displays the next time the report is set to automatically run. If it is not scheduled to run, it displays the last time the report was run. If neither of these apply, the column entry is blank.


The View control allows you to see a brief summary of the data included in a given Report Package definition. This includes the name, pages included, the scheduled cadence, data level, and if account numbers are obfuscated in the report.


The Edit control opens the Report Package creation tool and allows you to make changes to any settings of the existing package. See Creating Report Packages for more details.


The Duplicate control opens the Report Package creation tool, copying all the settings of the existing report, and appending "Copy of" to the front of the Report title. From here you can use the tool to make adjustments and save it as a new Report Package.


The Run control runs the Report Package for all accounts, clients, or households to which it is currently assigned, regardless of the scheduled run time. See Manually Running Report Packages for more details.


The Delete control completely removes the Report Package from your system. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. This cannot be undone. Unless a package was created in error, consider decommissioning a Report Package instead by changing the title and ending any recurrence pattern.

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