Report Packager Page Library

Report Packager Page Library

This article describes all the available Report Pages that can be added to a Report Package when Creating Report Packages.

Available Page Library:

All Pages

All Report Package pages have the option to override Report Name for the page with a new name of up to 24 characters. This will display in the Report builder and on the header of the PDF pages when created.

Activity Detail

The Activity Detail page is a readout of transactions over the designated period. Options include:

  • Start Date: Choose when the report should begin from including from Inception or a custom date.
  • What to Show: Include or exclude any desired categories of activities: Trades, Flows, Income, Fees, or All Other. Categories with no transactions will not display regardless of the selection.
  • Group By: Select whether to show all transactions by trade date (None) or to group transactions by either Category or Account. Note that categories hidden by the What to Show option will not display. Transactions within the group will be sorted by date.
  • Show Canceled: Display transactions that were ordered but canceled before they were performed or undone.
  • Display Fees Seperately: Display all fees in their own category. If deselected, fees will be listed as transactions under Flows.

Activity Summary

A high level display of account activity across selected time periods. Includes a bar graph of changes across categories of transactions since inception and a chart of totals across categories for all selected time periods.

Select Display Fees Seperately to show Fees as its own line item. Clearing this box will total Fees in with the Withdrawals line.

Select Display Period Returns to show the returns in each selected period.

Cover Page

The Cover Page is required and cannot be moved. It displays the firm logo and cover page image as set in Report Packager Defaults.

The following options are available:

  • Display Account Info: Show contact information for the account owner contained in the report
  • Display Advisor Info: Show details of the Advisor for the report.
  • Show Mailing Address of: Select whether to show the Firm or the Advisor mailing address on the cover page.

Custom Advisor Letter

A custom page that always appears at the end of the report. Whichever letter is set is used for all existing Report Packages that include this page.

Caution: The contents of the Custom Advisor Letter appears in all Report Packages that have the Custom Advisor Letter selected as a page. If reporting for a new period, the existing Custom Advisor Letter may need to be replaced before generating new reports.

To add/change the Custom Advisor Letter:

  1. Navigate to Grow Practice > Customization > Report Packages.
  2. Click Set Up Custom Advisor Letter.
  3. Click Browse files....
  4. Locate a file on your computer that fits the required specifications (PDF, Portrait orientation, under 10MB).
  5. Select the file and click Open.
  6. Click Upload. The selected PDF will be used as the Custom Advisor Letter going forward.

Disclaimer Page

Displays the Disclaimer and Legal Copy as set in the Report Packager Defaults.

Holdings Page

Shows all held assets across the entire account/client/household. Shows Managed and Non-Managed asset holdings in seperate groups.

Optionally you can toggle the following items:

  • Show Pie Chart: Show a pie chart breakdown of the total holdings. This can be displayed by the defined Asset Classes or by the more general Asset Categories (stocks, bonds, cash, other).
  • Show Accrued Income: Display the accrued income for each holding.
  • Show Tax Lots: Display the individual tax lots for each holding.
  • Show Accounts: Show the accounts associated with each holding.
  • Sort by Asset Class: Sort the holdings by the defined Asset Classes.
  • Show Non-Managed Assets Below the Line: Items that have been designated as non-managed will appear in a separate section at the bottom of the Holdings page.

Household Summary

A high-level view of the household across selected time periods. Includes the market value of each account and the growth over selected periods.

The following options are available:

  • Show Pie Chart: Show a pie chart breakdown of the total holdings. This can be displayed by the defined Asset Classes or by the more general Asset Categories (stocks, bonds, cash, other).
  • Include Time Periods: Select any/all predefined time periods to include in the report, including a custom range if desired.
  • Display Benchmarks: Compare displayed data with the standard Performance Benchmarks set by your firm. (Performance benchmarking must be enabled for this option to be available.)
  • Display Investment Objective: Display defined Investment Objectives for each account as footnotes on the summary report.
  • Show Performance Calculation Footnote: Displays a performance calculation disclaimer along the bottom of the page.
  • Include Closed Accounts: Include any closed accounts that have data during a selected period.

Income Summary

A high level view of income categories and sums for dividends, capital gains, and interest.

The following options are available:

  • Time Period: Select a predefined time periods to include in the report or a custom range if desired.
  • Show Accounts: Displays the individual accounts for each income category.
  • Closed Accounts: Include any closed accounts that have data during a selected period.

Net Worth Statement

A total aggregation of all account values. Unlike other report pages this includes Outside Managed Accounts, Held-Away Accounts, and any manually added assets or liabilities. Includes a graph of net worth over time.

If desired you can toggle off Show Summary Data Only and see the holdings within each asset and liability (as available). If you are already using the Holdings page, this will duplicate most of the data already shown on the Holdings page.


Displays performance of the selected account/client/household across times selected.

The following options are available:

  • Include Time Periods: Select any/all predefined time periods to include in the report, including a custom range if desired. At least one must be selected. Up to five can be included.
  • Graph this in report: This option appears beneath any time period selected. One (and only one) time period may be selected to show in the graph on the report page.
  • Display Benchmarks: Compare displayed data with the standard Performance Benchmarks set by your firm both on the graph and data chart. (Performance benchmarking must be enabled for this option to be available.)
  • Show Performance Calculation Footnote: Displays a performance calculation disclaimer along the bottom of the page.
  • Closed Accounts: Include any closed accounts that have data during a selected period.
  • Annualize Periods > 1 Year: Show the annualized return % for any time periods greater than one year.

Realized Gain/Loss

Display a summary of realized gain/loss to date for any applicable holding. Managed and non-managed holdings will display in separate groups.

  • Show Accounts: the account for each holding that had realized gain/loss will show.

Table of Contents

Creates an automatically-generated table of the selected Pages and which page of the final document they begin on.

Unrealized Gain/Loss

Display a summary of unrealized gain/loss for any applicable holdings. Managed and non-managed holdings will display in seperate groups.

  • Show Accounts: the account for each holding that had unrealized gain/loss will show.

  • Show Gain/Loss %: have the Gain/Loss % included on each line.
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