Creating and Inviting Users to the Client Portal

Creating and Inviting Users to the Client Portal

End-Client access to the Client Portal is automatic for anyone who has gone through the prospect flow and created a profile for themselves. For clients who have had accounts opened through the Advisor-led process, access to the Client Portal must be turned on from within the Portfolio Manager by an Admin or Advisor.

Enabling Client Portal Access for End-Clients

Clients who opened accounts themselves through the Client Portal will already have access to the Portal. For others brought on through Advisor-led account opening or who opened accounts that were later imported to AdvisorEngine, perform the following steps to enable Client Portal access:

  1. Navigate to Run Business > User Management > End-Client Access.
  2. Locate the client in the list. You can filter to see only Clients without Client Portal users using the drop-down in the upper left and search by Group name, User name, or Account Number with the Search box in the upper right.
  3. Click Create User in the Actions column of the client’s row. The End-Client User Settings window will open.
  4. Enter a User ID for the client (must be a valid email address). You may also override default access settings for the user as described in Customizing the Client Portal per User.
  5. Click Create.

The client receives an email inviting them to log in to their new client portal account.

Note: The link is valid for the amount of time set in Run Business > Firm Profile > Client Portal (default: 24 hours). If the Client does not register before it expires, you will need to resend the invite email.
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