Customizing the Client Portal per User

Customizing the Client Portal per User

Once a client exists as an End-Client User, you can edit individual settings for their Client Portal if needed. To make Per-User changes for the Client Portal:

  1. Navigate to Run Business > User Management > End-Client Access.
  2. Locate the client to edit in the list. You can filter to see only Clients with active Client Portal users using the drop-down in the upper left or use the Search box in the upper right to search by Group Name, User Name, or Account Numebr.
  3. Click the settings gear in the Actions column of the client’s row. The End-Client User Settings window will open.
  4. Adjust any settings as needed:
    • First Name, Last Name: Name that appears on the Client Portal.
    Note: Name changes here only affect the Portfolio Manager. You will need to make the same change with the Custodian as well.
    • User ID: Manually update the end-client’s email address.
    • Active User: Manually enable or disable the end-client’s access to the Client Portal.
    • Reset Password: Send the User ID an email to create a new password. The link in the email will be valid for 24 hours.
    • Monte Carlo Preferences: This setting is not currently used.
    • Robo Eligible?: By default all accounts will be Robo Eligible. Clear the checkbox for any accounts that you do not want the User to be able to manage themselves on the Client Portal. Account will still be visible on the Portal.
    • Access: Use this section to override which sections of the Client Portal this user will see. You can toggle tabs on and off, sections of tabs on or off, and use the Pin control to determine the client's default landing tab. If no changes are made, the user will see the default experience defined in Run Business > Firm Profile > Client Portal.
    • Delete: Completely remove the User. Cannot be undone.
  5. Click Save when all changes are made.
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