Manage Clients > Financial Tab

Manage Clients > Financial Tab

Market Value Over Time

The Financial tab contains a graph of a client’s Market Value Over Time. Click on one of the time frames on the top right hand of the page to see the Market Value for that length of time.

Financial Analysis

Allows users to compare the performance of their portfolio to the current, past, and future performance of other assets within a certain date range. Hover over the graph to see detailed date and performance breakdowns at individual points.

Net Worth

Total net worth of the current view.

Investment Statistics

Displays risk/return values for Asset Type categories listed.

Investment Selection

Displays Asset Classes contained in each Opportunity. Use the Opportunity drop-down to view data on another Opportunity.

Note: This widget will not appear in Account-level view or if the Client has not taken a Questionnaire.

Realized Gain/Loss

Displays realized gain/loss for all securities within the portfolio.

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