The FYI on Save feature of Actions allows you to choose to send a new FYI each time an Action is updated.
Understanding the logic of this feature will allow you to ensure that the correct people are kept informed as an Action develops.
When Creating an Action, use the FYI Recipients box to mark which Users should be FYI’d about this Action initially. Users selected in the FYI Recipients box will receive an FYI Alert on the creation of the Action regardless of the FYI on Save setting.
Decide whether future updates to the Action should send additional FYIs to the selected Users. If so, select FYI on Save.
Save and create the Action. Selections made to FYI on Save and FYI Recipients box will be remembered for the Action but can be edited later as the Action progresses.
When Editing an Action, the Action will remember the FYI settings from the last time it was saved. These can be adjusted as needed. You can enable or disable the FYI on Save setting for this Action and adjust the list of FYI Recipients as needed.
When saving an Action (regardless of whether or not changes were actually made), the FYI on Save feature will be triggered.
A number of scenarios are possible with this feature, so scan the list below for an understanding of what to expect:
The FYI on Save box is available when creating Workflow Templates. Each Action added to the Workflow Template can have its own selection for this setting. Whatever is selected for FYI on Save and the FYI Recipients box will be pre-populated from the Template when the Workflow is added to the database and function as described above in On Action Creation.