Measuring Your Firm's Use of AdvisorEngine CRM (KPI's)

Measuring Your Firm's Use of AdvisorEngine CRM (KPI's)

Evaluating the adoption and efficiency of how your employees or team members are using your CRM will help you determine the additional training or internal process review necessary to make you more efficient and thus, more profitable.

Here are a few metrics you can review to see how your team is using the system.

User Login History

Found in Settings > Audit Log > User Login History. This will show you login/logout time so you can see who is logged in and for how long (it will also show you if their session expired and they were forced out). It can be exported to Excel for further manipulation. The Audit Log is an excellent determinant of who is in the system regularly (and if their session doesn’t expire that means they're actually working in the CRM regularly enough to not auto-timeout).

Entered Actions

Create a Report or filtered Grid for Action Entry. Look for all Actions entered by one employee over a certain time period. This would show you, over a defined period of time, who is entering/assigning Actions to others.

Note that depending on how your Firm uses AE CRM, there are some auto-generated Actions that you may want to try to filter out. Actions created from Integration Alerts, Recurring Actions, the Service Monitor, or Email Capture might need to be taken into consideration. In the example below, we’ve filtered to exclude Email Actions.

Completed Actions

Create a report or filtered Grid for completed Actions. Look for completed Actions and whom they were completed by. From this view, you will be able to see how the Completed Date compares with the Due Date: on time, ahead of schedule, or past due. You can further filter by a particular time span or assignee if needed.

Search for Empty Fields

Create an Advanced Action Search that shows Actions entered without important fields. This will show you who is using the important fields within an Action (such as Category, Tag, etc.) and to see where additional guidance or training may be needed explaining why this is necessary. Search for blanks or important Tags that are not present.

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