The Docupace integration allows users to connect their Docupace storage to AdvisorEngine CRM, allowing files stored in Docupace to be visible within the CRM navigation in the Record Document storage area.
To use the Docupace integration with AE CRM you must first contact Docupace to enable access.
Contact your Docupace support and request the following:
- The shared key be set for the AE CRM integration.
- Your Docupace Login Username
This should be the same Username you use to access Docupace directly.
- Your Docupace Portal URL
This should be the URL you use to access Docupace up to the end of your company name.
- Your Docupace Company Name
This will be the same as the end of the URL above. In the example above it would be “COMPANYNAME”.
Enabling Docupace access for AE CRM may take up to a week, please speak with the Docupace support rep regarding the timeline.
Once Docupace has enabled access from the Docupace side, you can enter your credentials into AE CRM to enable the integration. This must be performed for each User that wants to use the Integration.
- Navigate to User
> View Profile > User Preferences.
- Click Edit.
- Select the checkbox on the Docupace line.
- Click Setup on the Docupace line.
- Enter your Docupace User name, Portal URL, and Company Name as obtained from Docupace.
- Click Ok.
- Click Save in the upper right.