Firm Profile Settings

Firm Profile Settings

The Firm Profile page controls the majority of the basic information and settings for your firm or individual Subtenant. The following sections and fields are available:

Caution: Be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page after making any changes!

General Information

  • Firm Name: The name entered here must match the Firm Name entered on the Release of Information (ROI) form submitted to your custodian. It will be used to populate the following:
    • Standard Account Form
    • IRA Application
    • Personal Trust Application
    • Subject line of any generated emails
  • Address: Street address of the Firm. It does not appear on the Client Portal. Use the Add Line control if more than one line is needed.
  • Zip: Physical address zip code. Entering this auto-populates the City and State.
  • City: Automatically populated from the Zip.
  • State: Automatically populated from the Zip.
  • Phone Number: Primary phone number for the Firm.
  • Fax Number: Fax number for the Firm.
  • Email: Primary email address for the Firm.
  • Twitter Handle: Twitter page for the firm. Should be entered as a full web address: For internal logging only.
  • Facebook: Facebook page for the firm. Should be entered as a full web address: For internal logging only.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn page for the firm. Should be entered as a full web address: For internal logging only.
  • Website Address: The home webpage for the firm. Should be entered as a full web address ( Clicking the Firm logo on the Client Portal navigates to this address.
  • Google Analytics: Tracking ID: This field is planned for future use but is currently non-functional.
  • Firm Logo and Favicon: Upload images for use in the indicated areas of the Portfolio Manager. Images requirements are listed on the page.
    • Firm Logo (on Black): Displays in the upper left of the Portfolio Manager.
    • Firm Logo (on White): Displays on the top banner of any generated IPS.
    • Favicon: The icon that displays in the actual tab of the web browser.
  • Menu Bar Colors: Select the colors that will be used in the menu bars throughout the Portfolio Manager.
  • Report Packager Colors: Select the colors that will be used in the Report Packager generated reports.


  • Primary Contact: Will populate the Primary Contact on the Standard, IRA, and Personal Trust applications.
  • Custodian Email: Email address for the Custodian the firm uses. A copy of the DocuSign envelope will be sent to this address. Only required for TD Ameritrade custodian firms.
  • DocuSign Branding: The firm’s Branding Template ID from DocuSign. This field is set during onboarding and should not be edited.
  • DocuSign Additional Template ID: The Template ID number used to connect the firm’s mapped DocuSign documents to the AdvisorEngine Portfolio Manager. This field is set during onboarding and should not be edited.
  • DocuSign Email: When a DocuSign email is sent, this address will be listed as the From address.
  • Stand Alone Form Delivery Email: For End-Client Users that are sent supplemental forms, this address will be listed as the From address.
  • Support Email: The email address where Contact Us requests are sent. Appears in the top-right corner of the Client Portal.
  • BCC AE-Generated Emails: This field is currently non-functional and should be left blank.
  • Disable electronic signature on platform: If selected, electronic signatures will not be available and Clients will need to wet sign all documents.
  • LPL-only Firms
    • Client Portal Compliance Signer:
    • LPL Compliance Signer Email:
    • LPL Annual Fee Rate:
    • LPL Compliance Signer Name:
    • LPL Compliance Signer Identifier:
  • Add Document: Add up to 10 documents here to be included in all DocuSign envelopes that do not require client signature.

Limited Power of Attorney

Use this section to add LPOA options for the Account Attributes.

To add an option, enter the Title to the left and click Add.

Fill in any remaining details as needed:

  • Title: The name of the firm requesting LPOA. Appears on the associated Client Portal drop-down and populates the LPOA custodian form.
  • Primary Contact: Name of the primary contact to be listed on the LPOA.
  • Client Portal: Adds the contact to the Client Portal LPOA Selection field.

Line items may be rearranged using the control at the end of the row.


  • Map Driver’s License to IPS: Client’s Driver’s License number will be mapped to the IPS.
  • Suppress Questionnaire Retake on Model/Questionnaire Updates: Clients will not be prompted to retake a Questionnaire if changes are made to Models or Questionnaires.
  • Advisor Recommendation Override: This feature and its associated settings are not currently functional.
  • Allow Goals-Based Proposals: Enable the Advisor-Led Account Opening (Goals-Based) process.
  • Goals-Based Engine Username: Set by your AdvisorEngine Rep and should not be adjusted.
  • Goals-Based Engine Password: Set by your AdvisorEngine Rep and should not be adjusted.
  • Average Life Expectancy: Adjust the default life expectancy value used in the Goals-Based Proposals.


  • Manage Clients / Dashboard Default Tab: Select which tab will be opened by default when you navigate to Manage Clients > Dashboard.
  • Manage Clients / Performance Dashboard Tabs: Select which tabs are available in Manage Clients > Performance. Currently only the Clients tab can be disabled.
  • Grow Practice: Custom Headers: Customize the Portfolio Manager interface to suit your Firm language. You can rename the Contact Information, Workflow, Investments, and Account Documents tabs.
  • Default Platform Landing Page: Select which section of the Portfolio Manager will open immediately following login.
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