Nitrogen: Importing and Matching Clients
AdvisorEngine CRM can import new Nitrogen Records and export new Records to Nitrogen. Firms can also view Nitrogen portfolio and target risk icons on linked Records within AE CRM. Single sign on (SSO) is available from the linked CRM Record to the Nitrogen Record.
You must have completed Nitrogen Setup to proceed with these steps.
To import Nitrogen Records and match them with CRM Records:
- Navigate to Import > Import & Match Nitrogen Clients. AE CRM will scan Nitrogen by name or email address to find any records it can automatically match to CRM Records. The next page will open showing two tabs. Automatically matched Records will display first.
- Review the automatically matched Records and confirm the match is accurate.
- If needed, cancel an auto-match by clicking Cancel
on that row.
- Click Records not Automatically Matched to handle any unmatched Records.
- To match a Nitrogen Record, click Search
and locate the Record to link.
- To create a new CRM Record for the Nitrogen Record, click Add
- Do nothing to a line to leave the Nitrogen Record unmatched to AE CRM.
- Once you have matched or set to import all the records you wish to work with, click Import & Match.
You will receive a system alert once the import is complete, with the status of the Import/Match operation. Acknowledge the alert to clear it from the notification menu.
Records imported from Nitrogen will have a minimum of information filled in. Each imported Record will have a Classification of
Imported from Nitrogen. Search for these new Records by this Classification so you can update the new Records’ information as appropriate to fit the conventions used by the rest of your Records and to add whatever other data you have for the Record, particularly the recommended
Important CRM Fields.
Now you can view the imported Record from Nitrogen.
AE CRM displays the linked Record's Nitrogen portfolio and target score(s) within the Record Summary Card.
- If the Nitrogen scores are updated in the Nitrogen Record, they are updated in the CRM Record upon opening or refreshing the Record.
- Clicking the Nitrogen icons on the linked CRM Record allows Single Sign-On (SSO) access directly to that client's Nitrogen Record.
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