Selecting Recipients and Launching the Correspondence Editor
- Navigate to the Records Workspace.
- Use the row checkboxes to select the Records you wish to communicate with.
- You can use Grid Features and Searches to create a recipient list, combined with the Select All feature to quickly communicate with a group having a common criteria.
- From the toolbar, choose Documents > Letter. A Grid of intended recipients will appear.
- Verify the intended recipients in the Grid. Any you wish to not include can be unchecked. Click OK to proceed to drafting your email.
- All recipients without a Record Primary address will automatically be removed and flagged for your attention.
- Recipients with the No Mail box checked will be automatically deselected and flagged for your attention.
The Correspondence Assistant - Letter editor will load in AE CRM’s online Document Editor.
Using the Correspondence Assistant
The Correspondence Assistant carries over all the functions of AE CRM’s standard online Document Editor, with some features added specifically for composing a letter. Features of the document editor unique to creating a single letter include:
Create Labels & Envelopes |
Merge and download a Microsoft Word document formatted for printing on labels or an envelope. This can also be done as part of the final merge and save process below. |
Review/Change Recipient(s) |
By default the Merge data is directed at the Record Primary address. Use this button to change the intended recipient to another address on the Record. All Record-based Address merge fields will pull from the address you select here instead of the Record Primary address if you change this option. |
If you are unfamiliar with the standard features of the online Document Editor, please review the documentation on its advanced features, including pasting content, using merge fields, and loading templates.
Creating a Mass Letter
- Draft the content of your letter.
- When your letter is entirely prepared, click Merge & Save.
- Decide whether to create an Action regarding this letter. If so:
- Click the checkbox for Add Action to Records Using.
- In the following drop-down, select the Workflow Template to use for the created Action. Only Active, single-step Workflow Templates can be used. (If you want this template to be pre-selected for Letter Actions, click the Default checkbox.)
- If any additional detail is needed, click Edit Action to enter more information about this letter in the Action.
Warning! Be careful which settings you select for the Action you create. Adding an Action with Action Required will create a pending Action for each recipient.
- Decide whether to create a Recipient List, and name the list appropriately if so. Note that the letter will not appear in Correspondence History unless this option is selected.
- If you need envelopes or labels to go along with the letter, check the Add an Envelope or Label checkbox and select the appropriate template from the drop-down.
- Choose how the letter will be stored in the documents section of the Record. At minimum, you must enter a File Name.
- It is recommended to also populate the Description, Type, and Tags to provide context for the communication in the future.
- Click Merge & Save to save the Action, fill any merge fields, and begin preparing the letter.
You will receive a System Alert when the merged document is complete. The system alert will contain a download link to your merged document. It will also have links to your recipient list and/or envelope/label document if you chose to create either.