Google (Legacy): Firm Setup

Google (Legacy): Firm Setup

AdvisorEngine CRM has two levels of setup for email capabilities from within the program. The overall email provider must be specified at the Firm level, as detailed below. Once this is established, each User may complete their individual setup to enable sending email and calendar sync from within AE CRM.

To complete the Email Provider Setup for your firm:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Firm Profile > Firm Preferences.
  2. Click Edit in the upper right to make changes to the settings.
  3. Set the Email Configuration > Provider Setup drop-down to Google (legacy).
  4. Click Setup at the end of the Provider Setup line. The Provider Setup dialog opens.
  5. In the Service URL box, enter
  6. The Domain box should only be filled in if it is required for user authentication (check with your IT; this is rare). If you are unsure, leave this blank.
  7. Click OK to finish Email Provider Setup.
  8. Click Save in the upper right to confirm your changes.

Now that you have your email set up for the firm, each user will need to complete the setup for their own User Profile. See Google (Legacy): User Setup for instructions.

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