Workflow Templates Overview

Workflow Templates Overview

Workflow Templates drive every Action in AdvisorEngine CRM. Whenever you go to add an Action to a Record, the list of Actions that you choose from is actually a list of every active Workflow Template in your database. Some of these are single-step, some are multi-step, but they’re all Workflow Templates that you can add to, edit, and rearrange to suit the needs of your firm.

Before digging into Workflow Templates, be sure to have a solid understanding of how Workflow functions in AE CRM.

What Are Workflow Templates?

Workflow Templates are a means of pre-defining any amount of content for a Workflow. Any of the following can be pre-set in a Workflow Template:

  • Nearly every field in each Action, including Notes, Assignee, FYIs, and more.
  • How many Actions make up the Workflow.
  • The order of the Actions and their parent/child/sibling relationships in the Workflow.

When a Workflow Template is called using the Add Action menu, all the content of the template is copied as a live Workflow into the Record. The first step is made a live Action, pre-filled with all the content from the template. As each step is completed, AE CRM prompts you to add the next Actions defined in the original Template until the entire Workflow is complete.

How Are Workflow Templates Utilized?

Simplify Repeated Tasks

If you have something that you log in your CRM regularly and you find yourself constantly typing in the same Notes or setting the same Category, Type, and Tags for this activity, then consider creating a Workflow Template with that information already set. When you add that Workflow to the system, all that’s left is to enter the information unique to that occurrence, the rest is already there for you.

Systematize Processes

If your firm has complex, multi-step processes, especially ones that get passed around different people and departments, a Workflow Template can ensure that the overall process is visible to everyone in each department and that each step is followed by the correct people, in the correct order, every time. Many firms have found that keeping all their processes clearly defined in Workflow Templates has even relieved much of the burden of bringing in a new employee.

Each Action in the Workflow will represent one step in the process, assigned to the person responsible, containing all the directions of what needs to happen at that phase and what to do when their part is done.

Drive Consistent Service

Usually an effect of the above benefit, your clients will be similarly served. When a Workflow Template is used to ensure a process is followed the same way each time, you can be sure that each client is getting the same service from your firm, regardless of who is handling the client at the time.

Where Are Workflow Templates Managed?

Workflow Templates are created, edited, and reorganized in Workflow Setup. From the Site Navigation bar, select Workflow > Workflow Setup.

The Workflow List then shows a Grid of all Workflow Templates in your system. Standard Grid features can be used to refine this view. To see only Workflow Templates of a particular Workflow Category, select the category from the list on the left.

Available Workflow Categories may be edited in List Maintenance (these are separate from Action Categories).

Are you seeing Workflow Templates that start with SDB? These stand for Sample DataBase. They are sample Workflow Templates you can adapt for your own use or just look at to get an idea of what’s possible.

Organizing Workflow Templates

Your primary means of using Workflow Templates will be the Add Action menu. Keeping that menu organized can help drive Workflow adoption and ensure consistency in your firm.

Three fields affect the content and layout of the Add Action menu:

  • Status: Only Workflow Templates with an Active status will appear in the Add Action menu.
  • Workflow Category: The Add Action menu lists all Workflow Categories alphabetically. The Workflow Template will appear in a sub-menu off whichever Workflow Category it is set to.
  • Workflow Name: The Workflow Template will appear in the sub-menu alphabetically by its Workflow Name.

By ensuring that only Workflow Templates in use are listed in the Add Action menu and that those are clearly categorized and labeled your users won’t need to struggle with adoption of the processes.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve got an understanding of how Workflow Templates fit in the AE CRM landscape, see Creating Workflow Templates for more information on building your own.

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