Client-Led Account Opening (Fidelity)

Client-Led Account Opening (Fidelity)

After a client has completed their Risk Tolerance Questionnaire, been assigned a model, and agreed to their IPS, they can proceed with Account Opening on the Client Portal.

The client will enter in all necessary details for the account opening, sign the paperwork, and open the account.

The full process is detailed below.

Client Account Opening

The process is begun from the Client Portal. The following steps describe the account opening request from the client perspective:

  1. After completing the questionnare and agreeing to the proposal, continue to Account Opening.
  2. Select the Account Type to open. Current account types available through Fidelity include Individual, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Rollover into Traditional IRA, Rollover into Roth IRA, Trust, and Joint with Rights of Survivorship. This list may be further restricted by the firm setup.
  3. Enter all required Account Owner (and Joint Owner, if necessary) information.
  4. Answer all questions required in the Attributes section.
  5. The account may be initially funded by cash transfer or account transfer when opening.

    • If you are transferring cash into the account, select Yes under Do you want to set up a bank account to be used for cash transfers?. If you are not funding the account at opening or only funding through account transfer, select No and continue to Account Transfer directions.
    • If a bank account is already connected, select it from the drop-down. Otherwise, set the drop-down to Link new bank account and enter the appropriate banking information. Only one checking or savings account may be connected at this time.
    • For most account types you can set one-time or recurring deposits and withdrawals by filling in the appropriate boxes.
    • Select Yes under account transfer if transfering in securities from another account.

    • Select the firm type to transfer from: Brokerage Firm or Held at Pershing and click Continue. Note that when transfering from another Pershing account, only a full transfer is available.
    • The remaining fields will vary based on the selection made. Enter the appropriate required fields for the initial transfer and click NEXT when finished.
  6. Review the account details and click SIGN NOW at the bottom to proceed.
  7. Follow the steps prompted to verify identity with DocuSign.
  8. Sign the IPS, Account Opening, and any other firm-required documents.

A success confirmation prompt will appear and an email is received acknowledging the submission.

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