Viewing Invoices for a Specific Account

Viewing Invoices for a Specific Account

From the Portfolio Manager

  1. Navigate to Manage Clients > Dashboard.
  2. Using the Account, Client, or Household tabs along with the Search options, locate the client or account you want to view the invoice for and click to open it.
  3. Navigate to the Operational tab.
  4. In the Documents section, locate the invoice you wish to preview.
  5. Click the Adobe Acrobat icon to download or view the invoice in your default PDF reader.

From the Client Portal

A client will be able to see all their visible invoices listed in reverse chronological order from the Documents section of the Client Portal.

Removing Invoices from View

It is possible to remove a published invoice from a client’s view in the Client Portal.

  1. Navigate to Manage Clients > Dashboard.
  2. Using the Account, Client, or Household tabs along with the Search options, locate the client or account you want to remove the invoice for and click to open it.
  3. Navigate to the Operational tab.
  4. In the Documents section, locate the invoice you wish to disable.
  5. Click the toggle in the Client Display column to disable the document.

Documents may also be disabled entirely for a single client or the entire Client Portal. See End-Client User Management, Editing Client Portal Settings Per-User and Client Portal Settings, Sections respectively.

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