Search Performance Report

Search Performance Report

The Search Performance report allows you to globally view period performance across all of your accounts in the Portfolio Manager based on a number of configurable filters.

Access the Search Performance report by navigating to Manage Clients > Reports > Search Performance.

Controls and Filters

Default View

By default, the Search Performance report displays performance data for all accounts sorted by client Last Name.

View Level

Click the Account, Client, or Household tabs to switch the level you are viewing. When viewing at higher levels, you can expand down to the levels below.


Use the search box to narrow the results of the report. You can change the search criteria using the drop-down next to the box. The following criteria are available for searching at each level.

Account Level:

  • Account #
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Investment Objective
  • Model Assignment
  • Tag

Client or Household Level:

  • Name
  • Tag


Check this box to include the annualized performance for periods greater than a year.

Filter by Performance

Use the Find Clients Where controls to search for specific performance ranges in the selected interval.

Pick Custom Range

Click the Pick Custom Range column header to define a custom date range for performance reporting.

View Reports

Click on any row to view the document vault for the account, client, or household.

View Profile

Click any account number, client name, or household in the results to be taken directly to the Manage Clients Dashboard Overview tab for that selection.

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