Search Transactions Report

Search Transactions Report

The Search Transactions report allows you to globally search transactions across all of your accounts in the Portfolio Manager based on a number of configurable filters.

Access the Search Transactions report by navigating to Manage Clients > Reports > Search Transactions.

Controls and Filters

Default View

By default, the Search Transactions report displays all transactions from the previous business day.

Show Cancellation Activity

Check this box to include transactions that were cancelled prior to execution.

Available Filters

  • Assets: Select to show accounts with the position that are Managed, Non-Managed, or All.
  • Security Type: View transactions only for particular types of securities.
  • CUSIP/Symbol: View transactions for only selected symbols.
  • Security Description: Search by description instead of CUSIP. This filter may only have one entry.
  • Client Name: Search by first or last name to find a particular client to view.
  • Custodians: Filter to see results from a particular custodian.
  • Account Number: Filter down to the transactions for one or more specific account numbers.

  • Transaction Type: View only specific types of transaction between Buy, Cash, Deliver, Receive, or Sell.
  • Sub Type: Filter down to particular sub-types of transaction.


View transactions only for the Previous Business Day or enter a Date Range.


Click Export to download a CSV of the currently filtered grid.

View Account Profile

Click any account number in the results to be taken directly to the Manage Clients Dashboard Overview tab for the account.

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