Account Requests in Smartleaf
In Smartleaf, requests are used to help accommodate client requests and mandates. A portfolio's requests are accessible from its portfolio workspace, by clicking on the Requests tab. Requests are grouped into the following categories:
- Buy or Sell Securities
- Forced Tax-Loss Harvesting
- Invest or Withdraw Cash
- Timed Withdrawal Requests
- Uploading Cash Requests Through the UI
- Specified Trades
- Temporary Analysis Mode
- Request Note
The Requests Summary
Within the Portfolio Workspace, clicking the Requests tab displays the Requests Summary for the current portfolio. As its name suggests, the Requests Summary gives users a quick overview of any requests currently active for the portfolio. Any setting that has been altered by a user is shown highlighted in green.
Editing Requests
Requests are accessible for editing from the Edit Requests page within the Portfolio Workspace.
- Click on the Requests Tab.
- Click Edit Requests to go to the Edit Requests page for the current portfolio.
- Click on the name of a section or its expand/collapse link to show or hide its settings.
- Make any desired changes to the request.
- Once finished editing, click Save and Re-Analyze.
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