Configuring Smartleaf Account Profiles

Configuring Smartleaf Account Profiles

Each portfolio on Smartleaf is associated with a client profile. The Client Profile is basically an electronic Investment Policy Statement (IPS). It reflects the preferences of the investor, the portfolio manager, and the firm. The Client Profile is the primary point of customization for each portfolio and is used to help tailor Smartleaf's recommendations. By understanding the settings in the client profile, users can shape the cosmetic appearance of trades, control the balance between lowering dispersion and managing taxes, and ensure compliance with the preferences of the investor.

A portfolio's client profile is accessible from the Portfolio Workspace, by clicking on the Profile tab. Profile settings are grouped into the following categories:

  • Target and Dispersion
  • Cash Management
  • Trade Size and Cost
  • Taxes
  • Transition Plan
  • Profile Note
  • Security Constraints
  • Sector Constraints
  • Social Screens
  • Portfolio Attributes
  • Special Purpose Settings
  • Other Settings

Some of the settings in the Client Profile are set at the firm level, but the majority can be adjusted by users.

The Profile Summary

Within the Portfolio Workspace, clicking the Profile tab displays the Profile Summary for the current portfolio. As its name suggests, the Profile Summary gives users a quick overview of the client profile settings associated with the portfolio. Any setting that has been altered by a user is shown highlighted in green.

To print the Profile Summary of a portfolio, click Print on the right side of the Profile Summary section in the Portfolio Workspace.

Editing Client Profile Settings

All of the user-editable settings in the Client Profile are accessible from the Edit Profile page within the Portfolio Workspace.

  1. Click the Profile Tab.
  2. Click Edit Profile to go to the Edit Profile page for the current portfolio.
  3. Click on the name of a section or its expand/collapse link to show or hide its settings.
  4. Once finished editing, click Save and Re-Analyze.
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