Configuring Smartleaf Filters
Smartleaf's filtering capabilities allow you to isolate portfolios that match any combination of over 60 filtering criteria, including profile settings, analysis metrics, and special trade recommendations. A filter only returns portfolios that match all of the criteria you have selected. Therefore, the more criteria you enter, the narrower your results will be.
Filters are powerful workflow tools. As a new user, you can leverage filters to save time during initial portfolio setup by collecting similar portfolios and using the Update All function to apply targets and profile settings to the entire filtered set. Once you become more comfortable with filtering, you can set up a sequence of filters to identify portfolios that require your attention. By running through that sequence of filters each day, you can ensure that all of your clients' portfolios are reviewed on a daily basis.
You can manage your filters directly from the Home page in Smartleaf, where a list of your saved filters will be displayed. Access the Create/Edit Filter page by clicking the Create New Filter button.
Creating and Maintaining Filters
Here are some tips to help you set up and maintain your filters:
- Review the filters provided by your firm before you create a new filter. This can save time by preventing filters from being unnecessarily recreated.
- Establish consistent naming conventions to help keep track of your filters.
- Include the most relevant information in the name of the filter.
- Add notes to the filter to provide more detail about what the filter includes.
- Favorite the filters you use most frequently. These filters are displayed by default on Smartleaf’s homepage.
- Make a temporary change to a filter by editing the current filter and pressing Apply Only. This prevents permanent changes from being saved to your filter.
- Exclude non asset-backed accounts or accounts already queued for export, so as to narrow the filtered set to accounts eligible for updates or trading. These accounts include:
- What-if and model accounts
- Inactive accounts
- Accounts with trades queued
Working with Entry Fields
Here are some things to note about working with entry fields when creating or editing filters:
Range fields
- All range fields are inclusive, such that values entered in the entry fields will be included in the filter results.
- If you enter a value into the Min field and leave the Max field blank, the filter will show you accounts with values greater than or equal to the value you entered in the field. For example, if you enter 5 into the Min field for Tracking Error (Pre) and leave the Max field blank, the filter will show you accounts with Tracking Error (Pre) greater than and equal to 5%.
- Similarly, if you enter a value into the Max field and leave the Min field blank, the filter will show you accounts with values less than or equal to the value you entered in the field. For example, if you enter 10 into the Max field for Tracking Error (Post), the filter will show you accounts with a Tracking Error (Post) less than or equal to 10%.
- All date ranges require values in the Min and Max fields.
- For features with a radio button, you can only select one option.
- For features with checkboxes, you can select multiple options.
- For features with a multi-select box, you can select multiple options. To select multiple, non-adjacent items in the list, hold down Control on a PC or Command on a Mac while you click the options you want to select. To select multiple, adjacent items in the list, hold down Shift while you click the first and last options in the range.
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