Grow Practice Dashboard Overview

Grow Practice Dashboard Overview

On the Grow Practice Dashboard, Advisors can create proposals and open new accounts as well as check the status of Opportunities in progress.


Every Investment Proposal and Account has a current status. Most statuses allow you to resume a process or correct any error by clicking the status itself.

The view may be filtered by status using the drop-down in the upper left.

Available statuses are detailed below:

Investment Statuses

Status Description
The Opportunity has been created but the Investment Proposal has not begun. Clicking this status will begin the Advisor-Led Proposal process.
The Proposal has been started but is not yet complete. Click the status to resume the Proposal process where it left off.
All sections of the Proposal have been completed and the signature process has been initiated.
Is triggered upon the upload of documents via the wet signature flow or by clicking Sign now on the confirmation screen.
Triggered when office admin clicks an Available status proposal. Only the person who clicked Available can approve the docs.
Triggered when compliance approves an In Review status proposal. At this point there is nothing to approve other than the IPS.
This status only appears if advisors have gone directly from the + Proposal to + Account and the account has been opened with the custodian.

Account Statuses

Status Description
The Opportunity has been created but the New Account process has not begun. Clicking this status will begin the Advisor-led Account Opening process.
The Account Opening process has begun but is not yet complete. Click this status to resume the Account Opening where it left off.
The Signatures process has been initiated but not completed.
Signatures have been captured either through DocuSign or uploaded wet signature scans. The documents are ready for compliance approval. Click the status to review and approve or reject the documents.
Compliance has begun the review process but has not yet signed off and approved or rejected the documents. Again, only the person who clicked Available can approve the docs.
Compliance has reviewed and approved the documents. This status will remain until the account is opened with the Custodian.
AdvisorEngine has been notified (via the nightly batch files) that the account has been opened with the Custodian.
Error in submitting paperwork. Click the status for more details.
Account opening was rejected.

Available Actions

Advisors may take various actions or open special views on Opportunities by clicking the drop-down arrow under the Action header on the far right.

The options in the Actions menu will vary depending on the status of the Proposal and Account Opening processes.

Edit Contact

Add or update contact information for the Client associated with the Opportunity.

Link Contact

If an Opportunity has no associated Client/Contact or is connected to the wrong one, you can use this feature to search for and select a Contact to attach to the Opportunity.


Creates a copy of the Opportunity with any information up to but not including Signatures for the Proposal and Account Opening process.


Clicking the Delete option in the Action drop-down menu deletes the opportunity from the dashboard. This cannot be undone.

Recall Documents

If a Proposal or Account Opening documents have entered the signing process but changes need to be made, use Recall Documents to void the DocuSign package and return the status to In Progress. This option is also available from the Operational Status window if applicable.

Operational Status

Presents a graphical overview of the Opportunity progress for Proposal, Account Opening, Funding, and Fee Assignment. This will show which steps are completed, by whom, and on which dates. If signatures are pending, you can also launch into the signing process or recall the documents from this view.

Summary View

Aggregates much of the data collected during the Proposal and/or New Account process and presents it in a single view for at-a-glance reference. Internal notes, visible only in the Summary View may be added here. Documents may also viewed and uploaded from the Summary View if needed.

Proposal Fees

View the assigned fees without needing to dig into the documents. May not reflect the correct fee schedule prior to the account being opened.

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