Adding and Editing Risk Tolerance Questions
The Grow Practice > Customization > Questions tab provides a list of all possible questions that can be selected to create a Questionnaire used during the client onboarding process.

Adding New Questions
To create new Questions for use in Questionnaires:
- Navigate to Grow Practice > Customization > Questions.
- Click + Add New in the upper right.
- Enter in the necessary data for your question.
- Section 1: Which section of the Investment Policy Statement (IPS) the question should appear in. Available options:
- Financials
- Goals
- Risk Tolerance
- Time Horizon
Tip: If you would like the IPS to show all the questions together in the same order as the client answers in the questionnaire, set all Questions to Risk Tolerance section.
- Title 1: The internal label of the Question.
- Question 1: The actual text of the Question.
- Display Type 1: Select what type of data input the end-user is given to answer the question. The available options for response are configured at the end of the Add New Question form.
- Slider: Answer is chosen within a range.
- Multiple Choice: A single answer is chosen from a list of available text options. Only Multiple Choice questions can be used to determine Asset Class Complexity or trigger Logic Rules.
- Multiple Choice (Images): Not currently functional.
- Multiple Choice (Risk/Return): Creates a multiple choice question that shows a risk/return graph for each option.
- Drop-down: Functionally identical to multiple choice, but presented as a drop-down instead of a flat list of options.
- Text: Answer is given as plain text entered by the user. Can be restricted to numeric values within a range. Answers are limited to 255 characters.
- Checkbox: An on or off checkbox. Multiple checkboxes can be included in one question to allow for “Select all that apply”-type questions.
- Message: No data is collected, text is simply displayed to the end-user. This question type only appears if the Questionnaire is used in the Client Portal. It will not appear for Advisor-led processes. Selecting this option will change the remaining fields. See Message Style Questions in the Question Types Settings.
- Parameter 1: This setting determines how the data from the question will impact the Proposal results.
- No Effect: Does not impact the risk value.
- Risk Tolerance: This response for this question will affect the risk score calculation.
- Asset Class Complexity: This question is considered for determining which set of Models (or “Track”) will be considered for the end result.
- Investment Amount: Can only be applied to one question in a questionnaire. Requests the total the user is seeking to invest. If your Questionnaire does not contain a Question with this Parameter, the final IPS will have $0 invested in each asset class.
- Parameter Relative Weight 1: Weighs the results of the question when computing the final results. The lower the number, the less impact the question has on the results of its Parameter. Higher numbers (2, 3, 4) will multiply the value of the response when computing the overall recommendations. Only affects the Risk Tolerance Parameter.
- Core Data Element: Identify the answer to this question as one of five possible “core data elements”. This information will carry over to the Client profile. Leave as None if not applicable. Core Data Elements to choose from:
- Timeframe to Goal
- Length of time goal lasts
- Age
- Income
- Savings
Note: Every Questionnaire must have a Timeframe to Goal Question to function, though the Question can be set to hidden.
- Message Template: Unused.
- Help header: The title for additional help text displayed to assist the user in answering the question.
- Help text: Additional help text displayed to assist the user in answering the question. When enabled, the question has a ? icon that can be hovered on to display this text and the Help Header.
- Type 1: Which questionnaire type this question is intended for use in. Should always be set to Risk Questionnaire unless directed otherwise by AdvisorEngine.
- Is Question Hidden: Prevents a question from being displayed while taking the Questionnaire.
- Is Global: Answers to questions marked Global affect all portfolios for the client. If an answer affects previous models, the End-Client User is notified when answering the question. Typically, only the Age question should use this flag.
- At the end, if needed, create the criteria for your question responses. See Question Types Settings for full detail on how each question type is created.
- Click Create to save your question and remain to make further changes. Click Create and return to list to save and close the question. Click Create and add another to save the question and open another new question form.
1 Required Field.
Editing or Deleting Questions
To edit or delete a Question:
- Navigate to Grow Practice > Customization > Questions.
- Click the ID, Title, or Text of a Question to open it in edit mode.
- Make any needed changes.
- At the bottom of the form are the three options to continue:
- Update: Save and commit changes but stay in the edit form.
- Update and close: Save and return to the Question list.
- Delete: Remove the Question from the Portfolio Manager. This cannot be undone.
Note: Changing Questions used in active Questionnaires will prompt all End-Client Users to retake affected Questionnaires. This option can be disabled in Run Business > Firm Profile > Firm > Proposal.
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