Creating and Configuring Subtenants

Creating and Configuring Subtenants

The Subtenant feature allows for individual advisors or satellite firms to have their own Client Portals or Billing subsets within the Portfolio Manager.

Subtenant-specific settings are managed under Run Business > Firm Profile, within the Firm, Template Texts, and Client Portal tabs.

Note: Users must be assigned a Role with the Run Business/Firm Profile - Subtenant permission to navigate between these subtenant-specific settings within each tab.

Subtenant Tab

The Subtenants tab is the control center of the subtenant feature. Within this tab, new subtenants can be created, edited, deleted, activated, or disabled.

Creating a Subtenant

Prior to creating a Subtenant, you will want to create all relevant Advisors and Advisor Codes that will belong to the Subtenant. Each Subtenant must use unique Advisor Codes; they cannot be shared between Tenant or Subtenants.

  1. Navigate to Run Business > Firm Profile > Subtenants.
  2. Click + New Subtenant.
  3. Set a Name for the new Subtenant.
  4. Select whether this Subtenant is for Client Portal or Platform/Billing purposes.
  5. From the list of Advisors on the left, select which will belong to the Subtenant. Clicking an Advisor name will move the Advisor between the lists.
  6. When all the settings are complete, click Create at the bottom.

Activating and Configuring the Client Portal for a Subtenant

  1. Navigate to Run Business > Firm Profile > Subtenants.
  2. Click the Actions drop-down for the Subtenant you want to activate.
  3. Click Activate Client Portal. You are taken to the Client Portal configuration tab for the Subtenant.

The majority of the settings will be inherited from the main Tenant settings.

Configuration for the Subtenant Client Portal will largely be identical to establishing Client Portal Settings for the main tenant with the following exception:

  • The domain (web address) for the Subtenant is automatically generated (as [tenant-domain]/[subtenant-name]) but a custom domain can be configured much like the initial domain setup for the Tenant.

Be sure to click Save at the bottom of the Client Portal Settings page to complete the Subtenant activation.

Further Subtenant Configuration

The following tabs under Run Business > Firm Profile can be configured at the Subtenant level. Navigate to any of these tabs, select the Subtenant from the upper-right drop-down, and click View to make changes for a particular Subtenant. Configuration will function identical to Tenant configuration in these areas but changes will apply only to the Subtenant.

  • Firm
  • Advisors
  • Template Texts
  • Client Portal
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