Adding Advisors

Adding Advisors

Though not required, it is suggested to create all relevant Advisor Codes for the Advisor first.

Adding a Single Advisor

  1. Navigate to Run Business > Firm Profile > Advisors.
  2. Click + New Advisor in the upper right. The Advisor Profile page opens.
  3. Fill in the required fields of First Name, Last Name, and Email. The email address you enter is where the Advisor will receive their clients’ DocuSign envelopes.
  4. If you have already created the Advisor Code(s) for the Advisor, use the Find Available Codes control to select the currently unassigned codes that should belong to this Advisor. If you have not yet created the codes, you will need to edit the Advisor later after the codes have been created.
  5. Fill in any other relevant details on the profile.
  6. Click Save & Close at the bottom when finished.

After you have added an Advisor, ensure that their Advisor Profile is completed.

Adding Advisors in Bulk

Advisors may also be added in bulk, particularly during the initial setup if needed. This involves filling out a template spreadsheet and uploading it into AdvisorEngine.

Obtaining the Spreadsheet Template

  1. Navigate to Run Business > Firm Profile > Advisors.
  2. Click + Bulk Advisors.
  3. Click the Template link to download the Spreadsheet Template.

Filling in the Spreadsheet

  1. Open the downloaded file in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Fill in all relevant Advisor details in the sheet.
    • Note that First Name, Last Name, and Email are required fields.
    • Phone numbers must be a valid 10-digit number with only numbers, spaces, or hyphens.
    • Any Advisor Codes that do not exist will be created on import. A code will only match if it is an exact match including upper/lower case.
    • If you list an Advisor Code that is already assigned in the Portfolio Manager, it will NOT be reassigned to the imported advisor.
  3. Save and close your edited spreadsheet.

Uploading the completed Spreadsheet

  1. Navigate to Run Business > Firm Profile > Advisors.
  2. Click + Bulk Advisors.
  3. Click Select Advisor List.
  4. Browse your PC for the saved Spreadsheet from above and click Open.
  5. Click Import List. You will be presented with a list of the data to be imported to verify for accuracy. If there are any errors with the data in the spreadsheet you will receive a pop-up warning.
  6. If the data is accurate, use the checkboxes to select the advisors you want to import and click Complete Advisor Setup.
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