Assets and Other Financials
Assets Workspace
The Assets Workspace Grid gives you access to all Assets (and Liabilities) connected to all your Records in AdvisorEngine CRM. It also is the home to the Asset Data Change Tool. To navigate to the Asset Workspace, select Assets from the Site ...
Manually Adding an Asset or Liability
Assets or Liabilities can be manually added to a Record from the Record Detail page. Assets can also be imported from most portfolio management systems. See Asset Import Overview for more information. Open the Record in Record Detail view. Click ...
Editing or Deleting Assets
Just like you can manually add an Asset, you can also modify or delete an Asset manually. To modify any Asset, choose the Asset/Liability you wish to modify from the Asset/Liability Grid within a Record or from the Asset Workspace. When the Asset ...
Changing Asset Ownership
To change ownership of an Asset (or Liability) in AdvisorEngine CRM and move it to another Record, change the Ownership value of the Asset to the new Record. Begin by opening the Asset you wish to reassign. Click Edit in the upper right of the Asset. ...
Making Mass Changes to Assets
AdvisorEngine CRM allows you to make mass changes to certain Asset fields for the Assets you select. Open the Asset Workspace. From the command bar, click the Tools > Asset Data Change Tool. Select the field you want to change from the drop-down. If ...
Linking Assets to Actions
Like many other components of AdvisorEngine CRM, Assets may be linked to an Action to easily access data about the Asset when reviewing the Action. Please see Linking Items to Actions for general details on how linked items work. To link an Asset to ...
Adding Tax Information
AdvisorEngine CRM allows you to track tax information year by year for your Records. Open the Record to enter tax information for and navigate to the Financials > Taxes section. To add information about a new tax year, click Add Tax Information. ...
Adding Estate Planning Documents
AdvisorEngine CRM allows you to store estate planning information in one location. Navigate to the Financials > Estate Planning section of a Record to see a Grid of existing Estate documentation. You can add Estate documentation by clicking the Add ...
Adding Income or Expenses
AdvisorEngine CRM allows you to track client income and expenses in one location for budgeting purposes. To view or log regular Income or Expenses, navigate to the Financials > Income/Expenses section of a Record. Note that the Income and Expenses ...
Adding Insurance
To add an Insurance policy to a Record in AdvisorEngine CRM, first open the Record in Record Detail view. In the upper right, click Tools > Add Insurance and select the appropriate Insurance option from the drop-down menu. A new dialog will open for ...